
And the winners are…

  • 75
  • 102
  • 15
  • 29
  • Told you I was using a random sequence generator. Out of 109 tickets, these were the ones that chose.

    The winners have been notified by email, and once they have made their picks, I will let you know who they are and what they picked.

    Thank you all for your support. Thanks to you, close to $800 is going to Susan G. Komen of Maryland.

    Now, back to weaving! I have a scarf to finish.

    Copyright 2008 by G. P. Donohue for


    3 responses to “1 2 3 4”

    1. I’m so glad I won, thank you, Patrick! I worry a little that admiring your weaving all winter will make me want a loom, a small price to pay for one of your works of art.

    2. Wow nearly $800! That is awesome Patrick – way to go!

    3. Karen Frisa Avatar
      Karen Frisa

      You are such a tease! Are we ever going to get to know who won?