
Remember this?

Super scarf completed Super scarf close up

I wondered who it was going to go to. Well, as you may have guessed, I knew all along who it was going to go to. It’s going to YOU!

Well, one of you, anyway.

Yes, it is that time of year again: time for Race for the Cure. Last year, I raffled off yarn to those that sponsored me. This year, it is my weaving that I am raffling off. Here is how it goes:

For every $5 that you sponsor me for, you get a ticket in the raffle. Sponsor me for $5, get one ticket. Sponsor me for $25, get five tickets. Sponsor me for $50, get ten tickets. And so on and so forth.

You can donate one of two ways: online or by snail mail. To donate online, go to my sponsorship page and doing the transaction there. To donate via snail mail, print out this Race for the Cure donation form and mail it in with your donation to the address provided on the form.

The race is October 19, and the drawing will take place on October 26 at 5 pm Eastern, so have you donations in by then to be eligible for the drawing. First prize is first choice, second prize is second choice, and so on.

“But Tex, there is only one scarf?”

There is only one scarf now….

Cabin Cove Silk Scarf on loom

There is more to come.

Habu 2/17 tsumugi silk

Thank you for your support.

Copyright 2008 by G. P. Donohue for


7 responses to “Ready or Not”

  1. Hey! When did you get THAT loom? How did I miss that one? Nice silk warp you have on there.

  2. A nice thing you’re doing!

  3. I just purchased 5 chances at some of your delightful weaving. It’s for a good cause and much cheaper than a loom. I look forward to seeing all the prizes as you weave them.

  4. Wow – the first time in my life I wish I wasn’t family! The super scarf is beautiful!

  5. Cool! What a nice thing to do. 🙂

  6. OK. Sign me up for one raffle ticket. It isn’t a lot but, “a little here and a little there…” 🙂

  7. Will you be there Wednesday? I’ll bring my check to you then 🙂

    I double checked my other email account’s spam box and nothing. No clue, but this time I used my home one 🙂