
This post was originally supposed to be about the actual action of weaving. (The part that everyone sees when weaving is being demostrated somewhere.)

Done weaving on the loom

But I got a little carried away.

I finished the weaving on this over the weekend, so

Cutting off project

it came off of the loom

Fresh off the loom

and the fringe was tied. (Some of that loom waste was not actually wasted. It went into the fringe.)

Fulling the scarf

The next step is fulling the fabric. Earlier, I referred to it as washing, which is not entirely correct. I am not trying to clean the fabric, but rather relax the fibers “into a comfortable place” through the use of water and fabric softener. A lot of times though, like with towels or yardage, this does amount to just throwing the project into the washing machine. Now that I have a front-loader for a washing machine, I am able to do woolens on the lowest setting with no spin action and not get felt as an end product. If I didn’t have this particular type of washing machine, I would be doing the fulling by hand. In fact, all future washes for this piece should be by hand.

Waiting for wool to dry

It is just a matter of waiting for it to dry now. After it is dry, I might do a light steaming of it, and then trim the fringe.

Copyright 2008 by G. P. Donohue for


5 responses to “Don’t Stop”

  1. It’s so lovely!

  2. That came out so great! I like the action shot of the scissors cutting it free from the loom.

  3. It’s beautiful, but those scissors give me the willies. 😮

  4. You make me want to buy a loom! Your scarf is gorgeous and I had no idea about the front loading washers. Mine is a top loader, very interesting.

  5. Even your loom is pretty. The whole thing looks like installation art. The scarf is beautiful!