Month: June 2010

  • Yeah!

    Reference Woohoo! Look what arrived on Wednesday! The fleece that I bought from Triple R Farms at MSWF arrived. Ain’t it purdy! As you might have suspected, I have already started spinning it. Being that it was over a six pound Romney fleece (though it may be less six now after processing), I have plenty to…

  • Milestones

    Reference Another blog entry, another completed project! I finished my slip stitch rib socks in Djinni in the Reluctant Dragon colorway this past weekend. They immediately were washed and on Wednesday were worn all day. The yarn is 80% superwash merino, 10% cashmere, and 10% nylon. Having worn the socks, I can tell you that they…

  • Roll With It

    Reference Writing this post makes me feel like I am on a roll. I am not. It was just that it was so long since I have written about something other than the blanket or stash enhancement that I have had time to actually do some knitting and some spinning. Let’s start with the spinning.…