Category: Spinning

  • Rain or Shine

    Reference Well, another Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival has come and gone, and I have managed to keep my streak of being there when it wasn’t raining. I have been going to the festival for over 20 years now, and I have yet to be there when it is raining. Given how much rain we…

  • (It’s Not Easy) Bein’ Green

    Reference I am finishing things! The other weekend, I finished the singles I was spinning. I have no idea where I am going to go with it from here. Maybe two ply, maybe a Navajo ply. I am not sure right at this moment. And this weekend, I finished these! Yeah! The Christmas socks are…

  • One Week

    Reference Recently, a friend of mine from work said, “Oh, did I tell you we are expecting another child? She is due in March.” Ok, not giving me a lot of time here! So I went on ravelry to see what yarns people were using for Baby Surprise Jackets. One of the yarns that I…

  • The Rubberband Man

    Reference The rubberband on my spinning wheel was suffering from dry rot, so it broke all on its own when I only had a little over 8 ounces done of the Tide Pool roving. I figured my tension was going to change after replacing the rubberband (that is part of the brake band,) so it…

  • Anticipation

    Reference Well, after completing two projects, you would think I would be all giddy and happy and all that. And I was. For about a day. Then I got all moody, wondering what to do next. Granted, it was not like I didn’t have other projects that couldn’t just get off my duff and get…

  • Olympic Theme

    Reference Well, the Olympics are over. Kind of sad. But the happy part is that I did actually get something done during that two week period. Call it a shawl if you wish, but I prefer to think of it as a Super Scarf! The fiber is a Romney – mohair blend that I got…

  • Here Comes the Judge

    Reference Yesterday was a very interesting day for me. Why? Because yesterday, I was one of the two judges for the weaving and spinning home arts competition at the Maryland State Fair. It was a good time, getting to go over everyone’s entries with a fine tooth comb. Of course, doing that made it a…

  • Waiting Game

    Reference Well, I am sitting here right now, waiting for the air conditioning repairman to call me to let me know when he will be here. Fortunately, today is not supposed to be a scorcher; but I have never been a fan of these unscheduled times off work. I don’t have a lot of vacation…

  • Like You’ll Never See Me Again

    Reference Ok. I know I said that I wasn’t going to do this; but I figured that if I didn’t show you the stuff that I got at Sheep and Wool, you may never see it at the rate I move. But first, let me tell you what my philosophy is when shopping the festival:…

  • Wrap It Up

    Reference Well, here is the result of my first experiment with weaving with “energized” singles: