Category: Knitting
Dive in the Pool
Reference Well, with my mother’s socks done, I can start a new pair with a clean conscience. And that new pair is using the Socks That Rock that I got at the MSWF. This is side one: And this is side two: Yes, the mediumweight is pooling something fierce for me. Whether I like it…
Oh Sheila
Reference Well, I finished these on Father’s Day. Unfortunately, it was Father’s Day night (Father’s Night?) after we had already been to the shindig at my sister’s for the occasion. It is just as well, because I wanted to give them a wash before I give them to my mother. I usually don’t worry about…
Like You’ll Never See Me Again
Reference Ok. I know I said that I wasn’t going to do this; but I figured that if I didn’t show you the stuff that I got at Sheep and Wool, you may never see it at the rate I move. But first, let me tell you what my philosophy is when shopping the festival:…
One Step Up
And two steps back. Reference Well, this is as far as I am with my mother’s sock. Now, if you saw it last Wednesday night, you might be saying to yourself, “Funny, I thought he was a lot further along with it than that at Meetup.” Well, yes, I was. After finishing the heel flap,…
Even It Up
Reference Well, I have another set of socks done in Jitterbug. Nothing too unusual about them,
Room to Move
Reference Well, if you look at this picture it looks like I really haven’t done anything on the weaving front. But, that is not the case. After mending the broken warp thread and giving the warp a nice, deep conditioning, there was just no getting around it: my main problem was that the spacing of…
Reference First, thank you all for your thoughts, concern, and prayers for my father. He says he is feeling fine, and he is looking much better (though just getting out of the hospital gown does wonders for that. Why do they pick a color for those things that washes out every skin color? Talk about…
If Your Heart Isn’t In It
Reference Well, this is now this . I just was not feeling this sock. It might just be the time of year, with wanting colors that remind me of spring rather than winter. In truth, I started this sock because it was there as I had finished Koi Pond socks and had no socks on…
Spinning Around
Reference Well, I am getting back to weaving, but by route of my spinning wheel. No, I am not working on the rug yet. Instead, I am working on an idea that came to me a little while ago. I am hoping working on this idea will help me get my weaving mojo back so…
End of the Road
Reference Some people have shown interest in the tubular bind off that I use, and so here is an attempt at instruction for how I do it on 2×2 rib.